
What are the benefits and nutritional value of dates?

benefits and nutritional value of dates

The nutritional value of dates is high .The benefits and nutritional value of dates are very high. You probably know that dates give you a lot of energy due to their high glucose content. Dates have many uses in the kitchen, as a sugar substitute and can also be used as a snack.
In addition, they provide a lot of fiber, so it is very healthy to consume them in moderation. Do you want to know more about the nutritional value of dates?


What is a date? where are you from?

Dates are the fruit of palm trees, the phoenix palm. They grow in hot and dry areas of Iran, such as some southern areas of Iran (Khorramshahr, Ahvaz, Shiraz and other cities). That is why it is considered a strange fruit.

Do dates make you fat?

Dates can be eaten fresh and dry and do not provide cholesterol or fat, so their nutritional value is very interesting. In fact, nutritionists and dietitians have praised the benefits of eating dates. There are some towns whose diet is almost exclusively based on dates, milk and grains. And they consume up to 200 kg of this fruit per person every year. In countries where it is consumed a lot, having a palm tree next to the house is a sign of hospitality. And in countries like Morocco, distinguished visitors are entertained with dates and milk. In Iran, we have a large cultivation of these fruits in Khorramshahr.



Types of dates

We can distinguish several types of dates in the world, but the most famous ones are as follows:

Deglat Noor

This is a variety that is easily found in the market. His skin is slightly wrinkled and shiny. Due to its delicate texture, it is semi-dry, although its flesh is firmer than other varieties. It keeps well without refrigeration and can be used in salty or sweet dishes.


This date was considered the most delicious and was planted as a gift to Arab sheikhs. It is about 5 cm in size and when you taste it you can perceive a little caramel and some roasted nuances. It is most used in cooking. The meat is moist and tender and is perfect for making dough instead of sweeteners.


Its fruit is smaller than the previous fruits and its shape is round. Its high humidity makes its texture very juicy. Its taste is reminiscent of honey and its flesh is sweet and soft. When it matures, its skin becomes dark and its texture becomes dry and brittle



It is also small in caliber, although elongated in shape, and its skin is delicate and soft. When it is ripe, its flavor is sweet and reminds us of butter candies. Although it is not easy to find on the market, it is one of the most recommended to eat naturally due to its creamy and light texture.


It is consumed when fresh, before maturation. It is one of the most difficult to find far from the places where it is grown. Its skin is firm and the texture is crispy. Pale yellow in color, it becomes juicy when ripe and its flavor is reminiscent of coconut and cinnamon, although it is not very sweet.


The nutritional value of dates is high and this variety is unique to Iran. There it is known as Kharmai Bam in honor of the area of the city where you go. Its shape is round and flat, not very big, and its skin color is shiny and very dark, almost black.


The benefits and nutritional value of Zahedi dates are many. If you want a date that’s not too sweet or too intense, this is for you. Its size is small, its taste may remind us of dried apricots or apricots, and it has an aroma of dried fruits with a hint of peanuts. The flesh of this date is firm and its texture is not very juicy. So you can easily add it to tasty dishes such as salads.


 benefits and nutritional value of dates

Nutritional value of dates

Dates, like other dried fruits, have a high percentage of calories and nutrients. For every 100 grams of product, up to 275 kcal can be counted. This high energy intake is due to the fact that 65% of its weight is made up of sugars such as glucose or fructose. Both are easily absorbed and together with the contribution of vitamin B5 (which converts carbohydrates and fats into energy), make dates an excellent restorative in times of mental and physical stress.

On the other hand, they are rich in potassium, as they give us up to 650 mg per 100 mg of fruit. This makes them good allies in the fight against fluid retention. On the other hand, they help you fall asleep due to their contribution of tryptophan and magnesium. At the same time, we must also highlight its contribution to vitamin B3 and iron, which puts it in a good position to lower blood pressure and cholesterol. Finally, its soluble fiber content makes it ideal for combating constipation.


Date benefits and contraindications

The high nutritional value of dates makes consuming small portions of this fruit very beneficial for your health. In addition to its antioxidant capacity, it has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Let’s see what else they can help you with:

They improve brain health. They prevent neurological diseases and balance the nervous system. In addition, there are studies that claim that they can delay Alzheimer’s and prevent dementia and the risk of stroke.
They relieve the intestinal flora. They provide insoluble and dietary fiber, which promotes intestinal movements and counteracts constipation.
They improve bone health. Dates are a great source of minerals such as calcium, which strengthens bones and prevents degenerative diseases such as osteoporosis.
Energy supply. Athletes have great help in them, since natural sucrose, fructose and glucose provide a lot of energy. In addition, minerals promote the gain of body or muscle mass, without harmful fats.
They fight anemia. The iron content of dates helps combat iron deficiency anemia. Additionally, it increases red blood cells.
They reduce bad cholesterol. They are fat-free fruits that reduce blood pressure and LDL cholesterol levels.
They relieve cough. Its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties help you combat throat conditions.


Date contraindications

Despite all the advantages we have mentioned, there are a few aspects to consider:

Due to its high energy, you should control its consumption in the weight loss diet.
In children, their oral health should be monitored to prevent cavities.
The tyramine content in it can cause constriction of blood vessels. Something that can be problematic for migraine sufferers.
If you suffer from an upset stomach, they can cause gas.


Nutritional value and calories of dates

Dates are an excellent mineral source of magnesium and potassium. But they also provide zinc, copper, calcium, phosphorus, selenium, iron and sodium. In addition, they are rich in antioxidants such as vitamins E, C and A and provide part of the B group (B1, B2 and B3). On the other hand, they are an excellent dietary source of insoluble fiber, as 12 grams of it are concentrated in one cup.
As a result, they can reduce blood cholesterol and prevent constipation. This data was published by the Journal of the American College of Nutrition. On the other hand, the carbohydrates provided by one cup are roughly 30 percent of the recommended daily amount for an active adult.
In terms of fat content, dates provide approximately 1% heart-healthy fatty acids (oleic acid, omega 3 and 6). Finally, it is a very high-calorie food, as it provides 70% sugar, which does not interfere with the rest of its nutritional properties.


Do dates make you fat?

These fruits provide a lot of sugar to your body. And their high nutritional value and energy make them one of the favorite options for recovery after an intense workout or intense activity. They are a healthy alternative to candy or other sweets full of simple sugars.

The effect of dates for children

In addition, for the little ones in the house, they are an excellent source of energy that does not affect their health. Since dates contain sugars that are easily absorbed and released gradually, the feeling of fullness remains over time. As long as they are not abused, this makes them a good option for diabetics or people who want to watch their weight.


 benefits and nutritional value of dates

Dates are a great snack

For this reason, it is a perfect snack to eat between meals and also an excellent choice for students or people who need high concentration in their work. But remember that if you eat too much of them, they will make you gain weight.


Are dates constipating?

Many people wonder if dates are a constipating fruit. Nothing could be further from the truth. Their high level of fiber puts them at the forefront of fighting constipation and improving digestion. On the other hand, because they are rich in antioxidants, they fight cellular oxidation and skin aging. At our site , we are a destination for your well-being and provide you with nutritional information that may be of interest to you in order to lead a healthy lifestyle. In this case, we have talked about the properties and benefits of dates.


 benefits and nutritional value of dates

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