
Benefits of pistachios for pregnant women

Benefits of pistachios for pregnant women

Doctors teach the benefits of pistachios for pregnant women during pregnancy. Pistachios are a very healthy nut. A handful a day allows us to rest better, reduce stress and take care of our hearts while enjoying them naturally or as a crunchy topping. Today we will tell you all about its origin and benefits.

The wild pistachio tree has been living in this land for tens of millions of years. With a rustic and late-ripening trunk, it gives us a variety of dishes with its fruits, from Iranian recipes to Sicilian cannoli filled with pistachios. The earthy flavored vegetable turns into a crunchy or oily paste with benefits that make it even more enjoyable to enjoy. Next, what is pistachio, what does it provide and how should it be consumed?

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What are the benefits of pistachios for pregnant women?

Pistachios are a dry fruit from the cashew family. This tree is born from the pistachio or alfoncino tree (Pistacia vera), a rustic tree that can withstand frost and temperatures up to 40 degrees Celsius as long as the temperature change is not sudden. It likes hot, dry climates to the point where overwatering or poorly drained soil can rot its roots. The pistachio tree is dioecious, that is, it has examples of male trees responsible for pollination and examples of female trees responsible for fruiting, so its cultivation requires both types.

Depending on the variety, it can take up to 7 or 10 years to bear the first fruits, and it does so biennially, meaning abundant harvests occur in alternate years and only after a long, hot summer. Harvesting is done between late August and early October. The taste of pistachio is special due to its earthy and spicy touch with a tendency towards sweetness. This characteristic taste has caused its consumption to triple in the last decade. Salted or unsalted pistachios are no longer just a scattered snack, but the main ingredient for filling and decorating a variety of sweets and pastries.

The interest in this bead has increased to such an extent that the platform of the top exporters has been a constant back and forth between China, America, historical Iran and Turkey. Behind them, other pistachios of better quality appear nearby, such as the green Sicilian Bronte pistachio with a protected name or the Castilla La Mancha pistachio, which is very similar to the Iranian Kerman pistachio.

Many authors date the domesticated pistachio to 7,000 thousand years ago, although this botanical genus already inhabited the earth in the Tertiary Period, tens of millions of years ago. The origin of the current variety is still a matter of debate, although the most accepted hypothesis places the pistachio in Western Asia and Asia Minor, in what is now Iran and Turkey.


Benefits of pistachios for pregnant women

Nutritional value of pistachios

Pistachios are rich in fat, a source of protein, with a high content of iron and vitamin B6. It also contains a high percentage of phosphorus, which is ideal for taking care of our teeth, zinc for a strong immune system and magnesium, the ally of athletes. Pistachio foie gras is very good for pregnant women.

Energy: 594 kcal
Protein: 17.6 grams
Carbohydrates: 15.7 grams
Fat: 49.2 grams
Saturated fat: 6.21 grams
Fiber: 6.5 grams
Calcium: 180 mg
Iron: 7.2 mg
Potassium: 811 mg
Magnesium: 122 mg
Sodium: 16 mg
Phosphorus: 390 mg
Selenium: 3 micrograms
Zinc: 2.8 mg
Vitamin E: 5.2 mg
Folic acid: 58 micrograms
Thiamine: 0.69 mg
Vitamin B6: 1.27 mg

Benefits of pistachios for pregnant women

It is likely that many associate pistachios with a satiating effect and even as a healthy snack. Now, did you know that it can also help you sleep better and reduce stress? Below we discuss all the benefits of consuming pistachios.

Pistachios are recommended for pregnant women to have a good sleep

Pistachios contain 600 times more melatonin than other nuts such as walnuts. Melatonin is an essential hormone for sleep regulation. The circadian cycle is your clock, and darkness is the start signal. However, changes in its performance are common, and the screen is one of the most important. For this reason, pistachios with high melatonin can help increase our rest.

Pistachios are a nutritious and ideal food for weight control

Do pistachios make you fat? This is a frequently asked question when approaching the world of nut calories. With almost 600 kcal per 100 grams, it’s natural to ask if consuming it will help you gain weight. The truth is that it is quite the opposite, provided we use the right values. With a handful of 10 or 15 pistachios, we get plenty of healthy fats and fiber, which help us feel full sooner and regulate our appetite. In the long run, these amounts of pistachios will help you lose weight.


The benefits of pistachios are recommended for pregnant women to reduce stress

Magnesium is considered one of the most important minerals in the diet of athletes, because it regulates the muscular system, regulates the heart rate and affects the nervous system. It is precisely this last quality that helps the regulator of stress and anxiety states to receive it. Pistachios and its magnesium content of up to 40% per 100 grams are the ideal snack for times of heavy physical and academic work.

They can help improve vision

Pistachios contain lutein and zeaxanthin, which are kind of like antioxidants for your eyes. The role of these molecules is to prevent the action of free radicals specifically in the eye tissue, in such a way that they protect the macular and lens, protect vision and maintain the health of our eyes. In addition, recent studies show that they play a very important role in cognitive function, in its development in childhood and in improving processing in adulthood.


Benefits of pistachios for pregnant women

Improve insulin sensitivity

A meta-analysis conducted by Shiraz University of Medical Sciences showed that pistachio consumption reduces blood sugar levels and insulin resistance. For this reason, the consumption of pistachios is especially recommended for the prevention of diabetes.

The benefits of pistachios for pregnant women and cardiovascular health

Lowering blood sugar levels thanks to pistachio consumption is now a protective factor for cardiovascular health. In addition, a relationship has been found between its consumption and lower systemic inflammation, as well as a better lipoprotein profile, which is essential for transporting fats and preventing cholesterol accumulation. However, including pistachios in our diet is a way to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Contraindications for pistachios

Pistachios are a safe food that has only a few recommendations due to the fact that they belong to the group of allergenic substances like nuts and because of their calorie content.

Allergy to pistachios and other nuts

Nuts and seeds are one of the main causes of food allergies. In this group of foods, it is also common to find cases of cross-reactivity, meaning that an allergy to one nut can cause an allergy to another. In case of allergy to pistachios, in addition to avoiding its consumption, it can react to cashews, fruits of the same botanical family.

Calorie intake

Pistachios, like other nuts, have high calorie intake. Specifically, 600 kcal per 100 grams. What does it mean? Consuming a large amount can be much more than our daily caloric needs, which are on average between 1500 kcal and 2000 kcal, and turn into weight gain and fat tissue. To enjoy all its benefits without the harm of eating pistachios, it is enough to consume 10 to 30 grams, which is equivalent to between fifteen and twenty.

Why are pistachios expensive?

Depending on the type, a kilogram of pistachios can cost around 40 euros. The main reason for its price is the high investment in the time required to obtain the first fruits, it can take up to 10 years to mature, in addition, the harvest is biennial and its geographical distribution corresponds to a very specific latitude. All this, together with the increased demand for its use in confectionery and confectionery, makes it a nut with a very high commercial value.

Pistachio recipes and uses in cooking

Natural or salty. Paired with chocolate, citrus, saffron, or honey, pistachios are an enviable nut that can not only match, but also transform ordinary things into greatness, like this recipe for pistachio ice cream. Its complete magnitude is given to us by the book of Persian instructions and its historical perspective. Roasted in saffron and lemon, salted pistachio, decorated with crispy and melted baklava or soft rice. And there is no need to worry. If ancient Iran seems distant to us, a trip to Italy is enough to enjoy hundreds of special pastries covered or filled with pistachio dough, such as Sicilian cannoli.

Benefits of pistachios for pregnant women

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