figs estahban

dried fig

Properties of dried figs

Dried figs not only prolong the taste of summer but also bring us a different sweetness. Drying, or dehydration, to which some fresh fruits are subjected, is an operation designed to reduce as much as possible the water content of the fruit, in order to paralyze the action of microbes that need moisture to live. To achieve this goal, natural heat (exposure to the sun) or artificial heat (burning wood or coal, gas or electricity) is used.

Nutritional properties of dried figs

During drying of fresh fruit, its water content decreases, which results in nutrient concentration. The caloric value of dried fruits is high (from 163 calories per 100 grams of prunes to 264 calories per 100 grams of raisins) due to the abundance of simple carbohydrates.

Dried figs are an excellent source of potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron and provitamin A (beta carotene) and niacin or B3. Vitamin C is lost to a greater extent in fresh fruits during drying. They are an excellent source of soluble and insoluble fiber, which gives them healthy properties to improve intestinal transit. Using calcium from these foods is worse than consuming dairy products or other foods that are good sources of these minerals.
Beta-carotene is converted into vitamin A in our body when needed. In addition to having antioxidant properties, this vitamin is essential for vision, good condition of skin, hair, mucous membranes, bones and for the proper functioning of the immune system. Vitamin B3 or niacin is involved in various stages of metabolism and the use of carbohydrates, fatty acids and amino acids and other substances. Potassium is essential for the transmission and production of nerve impulses, for normal muscle activity, and plays a role in the water balance inside and outside the cell. Magnesium is related to the functioning of the intestines, nerves and muscles, is part of bones and teeth, improves immunity and has a mild laxative effect. Iron helps transport oxygen necessary for cellular metabolism.

Composition per 100 grams of edible portion

281 calories
Carbohydrates (grams) 53
Protein (grams) 3.5
Fiber (grams) 18.5
Potassium (mg) 1010
Iron (mg) 3
Magnesium (mg) 82
Calcium (mg) 178
Provitamin A (mcg) 7
Vitamin C (mg) 1
Niacin (mg) 2.1
mcg = microgram


The role of dried figs in health

Dried figs combine well with breakfast cereals, making them rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber, which can be an interesting alternative for people of all ages, with an attractive, varied and new flavor idea of this first meal. On the day. .

These foods are an ideal restorative supplement to the diet and, due to the additional contribution of sugar and calories, are very suitable when doing long sports or intense physical efforts, which is why they should always be part of the mountaineer’s supplies. It is not recommended for mountaineers to use it in cases of overweight and obesity, because its calories are four to six times that of fresh fruit, and because of its concentration in simple, it should be considered by diabetics and triglycerides.
The fiber in dried figs makes dried fruits into interesting foods in different situations or diseases. The composition of dried figs is rich in soluble fiber, which has the capacity to form sticky gels that bind fat and cholesterol together, thereby reducing the absorption of these substances. That is why the moderate consumption of dried fruits is positive in case of hypercholesterolemia if it is not accompanied by excess weight.

Dried plums and figs are especially effective foods for treating constipation due to their high insoluble fiber content. Insoluble fiber increases the speed of intestinal transit and thus stool evacuation (laxative effect). It separates the bile acids that are excreted in the stool and forces the body to synthesize more acids from cholesterol, thereby lowering total cholesterol. Insoluble fiber removes cholesterol and carcinogens. They spend less time in contact with mucus, which reduces the risk of high cholesterol and colon cancer.

Due to dehydration, dried figs are foods that contain nutrients including iron, so their consumption is indicated in case of iron deficiency anemia. To enhance iron absorption, these fruits should be combined with foods rich in vitamin C, such as citrus fruits or their juice, kiwi, tropical fruits, etc. Apricots, peaches and dried figs are higher than others due to their iron content.


Dried figs and peaches are an excellent source of beta-carotene or provitamin A with antioxidant activity, which is why it works in degenerative and cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Rich in minerals.
Dried fruits are one of the foods that have the highest concentration of potassium, so their consumption is especially recommended for those who use potassium-sparing diuretics. However, dried figs are contraindicated for people who suffer from kidney failure and require a controlled potassium diet.

The richness of magnesium in dried figs makes them interesting in situations where the need for this mineral increases: chronic intestinal malabsorption, alcoholism, treatment with certain drugs. Likewise, diets rich in refined foods (white bread, white rice, sugar, pasta…) have less magnesium than diets rich in vegetables and whole grains. This mineral is lost during the refining of grains such as wheat flour and rice and the processing of foods such as sugar and is not added as part of grain enrichment.

Should be considered

Regular consumption of dried figs can improve the appearance of dental cavities.
The stickiness of dried fruits makes them stick to the teeth, so it is recommended to brush your teeth after consuming them.

During the industrial drying process of these fruits, liquid paraffin is usually used or sulfur dioxide is added to prevent them from drying too much, although they can transfer their flavor and contaminate the flavor of the fruit, so Preferably buy dried figs. As organic as possible, sulfites can cause asthma attacks in some allergic people or allergic reactions in sensitive people.

Dried figs are more indigestible than the fresh fruits that come from them, so their consumption is not recommended for those who suffer from digestive problems (slow and heavy digestion, flatulence, tender stomach…). from compote

Dates contain tyramine, a substance that constricts blood vessels and causes migraines in people who are prone to it.
The oxalic acid in dried figs can form salts with certain minerals such as calcium and form calcium oxalate, so if you suffer from this type of kidney stone, avoid consuming it as it can aggravate the condition.


dried fig

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