figs estahban

Everything about Estahban figs


Dried figs (estahban) are one of the healthy products in the category of dried fruits, which are known as a healthy and delicious food source. This fruit of the fig tree, which is known by the practical name of Ficuc Carica, It belongs to the Moraceae family and grows in tropical and subtropical regions. The many properties of figs have made it very important in nutrition and health. This fruit contains vitamins E, C, A, K, which act as strong antioxidants and protect body cells from being vulnerable to free radicals. Do you know the types of figs of Stahban? Do you have any information about the properties of figs? For research on this useful fruit, we have used the experience of gardeners and skilled engineers in this field. To know more about this special dried fruit, we suggest you stay with us until the end of the article.

History of dried figs

Dried figs are important and popular products in the dried fruit industry, which have been used as a main food source since ancient times. The history and origin of dried figs goes back to ancient times. The first signs of its production and use in the regions of Iran, Northwest India, South Asia and North Africa can be seen in the years 9000-7000 BC. Archaeologists discovered patterns on pottery with carvings depicting the cultivation and harvesting of figs, and it seems that the cultivation and picking of this fruit in the Palestine region began in 3000 BC.

In ancient times, dried figs were an important rich resource for various societies. In the works of past science, they have discovered pictures that show the symbol of this fruit. It is also mentioned in old books such as the Holy Quran. The trade of dried figs was considered a very important exportable commodity throughout history. In ancient times, Greeks and Romans were known as the main producers and exporters of this product. Also, fig trade played a significant role in international roads such as the Silk Road.

What kind of soil is suitable for planting fig trees?


The soil that is suitable for planting fig trees must have characteristics that can give a good crop. We mention a few cases of this feature.

  • Fertile soil: The soil for fig cultivation must contain favorable amounts of nutrients. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are important things that are needed in the soil for its proper growth and development.
  • Soil with proper drainage: The soil for planting figs should not retain water and should have a reasonable drainage system. This will prevent living moisture and water accumulation in the roots of the plant.
  • Permeable soil: The soil must have a suitable structure that allows the tree roots to penetrate and breathe. Soil with a good structure such as loamy, sandy or sandy soil is suitable.
  • Soil with the right temperature: figs grow best in warm and moderate temperatures. Therefore, the soil for planting a fig tree should contain a suitable temperature and avoid extreme changes in temperature.
  • Soil with ventilated drainage: figs are sensitive to various pests and diseases, in this case, the soil for planting this species must have ventilated drainage, to prevent excess moisture and air condensation near the flowers.

In what areas is the dried fig (Esthaban) used?

Figs are grown in hot and dry climates. This product gives the best results in areas with hot summers that have high temperatures and low humidity. This product needs a lot of sun to dry easily. Also, in terms of soil, these trees need fertile soil with proper drainage. Estehban dried figs are located in the center of Estehban city, one of the eastern cities of Fars province. Due to the hot and dry conditions in which fig grows, it is totally dry, so it does not need a lot of water. But because we are facing drought in the last few years, it is necessary to irrigate two or three times in winter to water the trees. Fig trees and their leaves are similar in appearance, and after harvesting the fruit, their leaves dry up and fall in autumn. But the fruits of fig trees are different, which will refer to the types of figs of Stahban.

What factors are effective in making a fig the best?

How a fig becomes the best fig depends on how well it is watered and cared for. A good gardener knows when it is time to water the trees. How many times to water your garden during the year. How to take care of the trees will have an effective role to have a good product. The Eshtaban fig tree grows in hot and dry conditions and is generally a dry land. It does not need a lot of water, because it grows dry. Fig trees are similar in appearance like leaves, but actually the type of tree is intrinsically very important. Some trees are fertile.

The yield of such trees is better than some of them which do not have good nature.

Estehban fig, which is known as a very delicious and popular fig, is due to the naturalness of this product and it is far from any type of chemical fertilizer for its growth. This type of fig grows dry and dries completely naturally (organically). No chemicals are used to dry figs. Some products are kept in storage until they reach their full growth, but Estehban figs are not like that, they are dried naturally (organically) and this is the reason for the popularity of this dried fruit.

What countries are dried figs?

Fig is an agricultural product that is planted in many countries of the world. Some of the main producing countries of figs, including:

  • Iran: Iran is also one of the biggest producers of figs and ranks second in the global ranking of the yield of this product.
  • Turkey: Turkey is one of the largest producers of figs in the world and is known as the “world capital of figs”.
  • Algeria: Algeria is another strong point in the production and export of figs and is considered as a significant challenge for domestic producers in the world market.
  • China: has a high potential to export to the world market and is increasingly expanding its production.
  • India: India is also an important producer of figs, it is ranked among the top countries.
  • Italy: Italy is a strong point of producing and exporting figs to European markets.
  • America: America is also one of the reliable producers of this product and it is cultivated in some hot and dry regions of America.

In addition, other countries such as Brazil, Egypt, Pakistan, Spain, France and Germany also play an important role in the production of this product.

Note that in this section, all the types of figs that exist in the world are mentioned, and only Estehban dried figs are not available in all the countries mentioned in the above section.

How many years after planting does the fig seedling bear fruit?


The Eshtaban dried fig tree is generally long-lived and bears fruit five years after planting. In the early years, the fig tree bears less fruit. However, the exact production time depends on the following factors:

  • Leaf type: fig trees are divided into two types: large leaf (Ficus carica) and small leaf (Ficus Palmata). Trees with large leaves generally start producing crops after 3 to 5 years, while trees with small leaves may take up to 7 years to bear fruit.
  • Growing conditions: Fig trees are sensitive to their specific growing conditions. Water, light, soil, proper temperature are very important for their proper growth. If favorable growth conditions are not provided, the time of fruit production may be delayed.
  • Tree variety: Each fig variety may have a different fruit production time. Some models produce continuously in the early years of planting and seasonally in the following years, while others produce fruit seasonally and several times a year.

When is dry figs harvested?

Harvesting of this popular product begins in mid-summer. According to local research, the figs of Estehban will be harvested from the second half of the fifth month. The fig harvest continues until the second half of the seventh month, and after that the leaves of other trees turn yellow and fall. During these two months, figs are harvested every day, because some figs ripen earlier, they are separated from the tree semi-dry and fall on the ground, which must be collected and dried in a place where There is a possibility of direct sunlight. This harvesting method continues in the same way for two months.

Types of dried figs (Estahban)

Figs are one of the popular and diverse dried fruits that are cultivated in many different regions of the world. Also, dried figs are used as a popular food product in the preparation of products such as jam, juice, dried fruit and sweets. There are different types and sizes of Eshtaban dried figs.

  • Types of figs based on size: A1 figs are one of the types of Estehban figs with a diameter of 14 to 18 mm. A2 is another type with a diameter of 18 to 22 mm. The diameter of the A3 fig is more than 22 mm. Each of these figs is packed separately and sold to the market. The price of these figs is different based on their size.
  • Parak: Perak is another type of Eshtaban dried fig, which has a lot of cracks in this type of fig, in fact it is completely split, that’s why it is called Perak dried fig.
  • Hund and one: Hund and one is a type of dried figs, which is called Hund and one because of its small size. That is, among a hundred trees, one fig tree will have one hundred and one figs. The cracks on the figs play an effective role in their difference and type. They are also divided into three categories based on the gap: if the gap in the fig is small, it will be of the type of one hundred and one buds. A normal gap is one hundred and one figs, but if the gap is too big, it is one hundred and one perc. A very important feature of this fig model is the crack that appears at the end of the dried Eshtaban fig. This crack is due to the sweet juice of the fig and the nutrients in it. will be In the case of a split that occurs on figs, it shows the quality of that product.

How to dry dried figs (Esthaban)؟

Figs are dried naturally (organically). The fig itself dries on the tree and falls on the ground, at this time it means that it is completely ripe and it is time to harvest it. Dried figs are collected from the ground and some of them may not be completely dried, in this case they are thrown on an environment that is fully exposed to sunlight. As a result of sunlight, all figs dry naturally. After the figs are completely dried, they are packed and marketed.

Properties of dried figs

Dried figs are a dried fruit obtained from fresh figs. This product is rich in brain compounds and has many properties. We state some of the properties of this fruit:

  • Source of fiber: Eshtaban dried figs contain a lot of fiber that helps the healthy functioning of the digestive system and improves food digestion.
  • Lowering cholesterol: Due to the presence of phytoestrogen, dried fig products reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the body.
  • Can be used in slimming diets: Due to the low volume of fat, the ability to absorb relatively low calories and the presence of anti-inflammatory phytochemicals, this product will be suitable for people who are on a slimming diet.
  • Maintaining heart health: regular consumption of Eshtaban dried figs lowers blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart and vascular diseases such as heart attack and high blood pressure.
  • Minerals: Dried figs contain many minerals, including potassium, calcium, iron and manganese, which are necessary to maintain healthy bones and muscles.
  • Strengthening the immune system: This product has vitamin C, which plays a key role in strengthening the body’s immune system, and in addition, the presence of fiber in it improves the functioning of the digestive system and better absorption of nutrients, and as a result, strengthens all the components of the body’s rib system.
  • Source of antioxidants: Dried figs contain large amounts of antioxidants that help body cells resist the effects of free radicals and the production of free radicals.

Properties of dried fig kernels (Estahban)

Due to the richness of this product, its core also has very important properties for the health of the body.

  • Rich source of fiber: Dried fig kernels contain large amounts of fiber that can help improve bowel function and prevent obesity.
  • Source of protein: Dried fig kernels contain protein, which is essential for building and repairing body tissues.
  • Source of iron: Fig kernels contain a significant amount of iron, which is beneficial for general health and preventing anemia.
  • Source of potassium: Dried fig kernels contain potassium, which is necessary for maintaining electrolyte balance, heart and muscle function, and healthy blood pressure.
  • Source of copper: The core of Eshtaban dried figs contains copper, which plays a role in the metabolic products of the body and helps in the production of blood cells.
  • Source of vitamin C: Esthaban dried fig kernel contains vitamin C, which is useful for skin health, whitening of blemishes and strengthening the immune system.
  • Source of Antioxidants: The core of Eshtaban figs has a large amount of antioxidants that can be effective in dealing with cell damage and premature aging of the body.

Properties of fig leaves

The fig leaf is a part of the fig plant that has many properties. Some of these are:

  • Anti-inflammatory: Fig leaves have anti-inflammatory properties and can be effective in reducing various inflammations in the body.
  • Anti-infective: Research has shown that fig leaves have the ability to reduce the growth of bacteria and viruses and may act as a natural anti-infective.
  • Sedative: Consuming fig leaves in the form of hot tea can be a sedative and relieve stress and mental discomfort.
  • Antioxidant: fig leaves have strong antioxidant properties and are effective in preventing cell damage due to free radical activity.
  • Relief of skin inflammation: Fig leaves have the ability to relieve skin inflammation and its external use is effective in treating skin inflammation, pimples and burns.
  • Strengthening the immune system: research has shown that fig leaves can strengthen the immune system and can be effective in preventing different diseases.
  • Lowering blood pressure: fig leaves have the property of lowering blood pressure and regular consumption may work as a natural solution to control high blood pressure.

Uses of dried figs

Dried figs (estahban) are a widely consumed food that is used in various snacks and foods. This dried product is obtained from fresh figs and in the drying process, its moisture is reduced and it can be stored for a long time. Dried figs (estahban) are used as a healthy and delicious snack alone or in combination with other foods. Some of the main uses of dried figs are:

  • Estahban dried figs are used to prepare products such as sherbet, cookies, muscat and fruit juice.
  • Cake: Estahban dried figs are used in making cakes because of their sweetness and taste.
  • Snacks: Estahban dried figs are considered as healthy and protein-rich snacks, they can be made available in the form of single pieces of sticks, bundles of relatives, sticks, roll pieces or even in powder form.
  • Bread: By adding figs to bread, its taste can be increased. It can be used as a decoration on bread.
  • Salad: You can use dried figs in green salads, pistachio salad, seasonal salad and mushroom salad.
  • Cooking: Dried figs are also used in cooking recipes.
  • Nuts: Dried figs are delicious and useful as nuts.
  • In addition to health benefits, dried figs are also used in the food industry. Its other uses include jam, syrup, juice, juice and energy drinks.

How to make fig jam


One of the most delicious products made from figs is fig jam. The unique and sweet taste of jam has made this product popular among its fans. To prepare the jam, first wash the figs well and then boil them with water until they become soft (for 10 minutes), then remove the figs from the water and add sugar to them. Boil for 1 or 2 hours in low heat until the jam thickens, and finally, after it cools down, put it in a suitable container and store it at room temperature.

What kind of food are there in Estahban dried figs:


Dried figs (estahban) are a rich and diverse food that contains a variety of brain substances including vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants and incompatible fatty acids. Below you can see some of the rich and nutritious ingredients in dried figs.

  • Potassium: This type of dried fruit contains potassium, which is necessary for maintaining the balance of electrolytes in the body, the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and controlling blood pressure.
  • Manganese: Concentrated manganese in figs acts as a strong antioxidant and plays a role in fighting oxidative stress and maintaining bone health.
  • Iron: Eshtaban dried figs contain a significant amount of iron, which helps to produce hemoglobin and supply oxygen to the cells.
  • Vitamins: This dried fruit contains vitamins A, C, E, and K, which are necessary for the health of the eyes, skin, immune system, and nervous function.
  • Protein: The protein found in Esthaban dried figs is beneficial for the health of body tissues.
  • Steel: Steel or vitamin B9 is included in dried figs, which is useful and necessary for the production of new cells, the growth of the fetus during pregnancy, and maintaining heart health.

The importance of dried figs in the Holy Quran

The importance and properties of figs have been mentioned in the Holy Quran and a verse has been revealed about this useful fruit. This verse shows the importance of this fruit.

بِسْمِ الله الرَّحمٰن الرَّحِیم
وَالتِّينِ وَالزَّيْتُونِ ﴿١﴾ وَطُورِ سِينِينَ ﴿٢﴾ وَهَـٰذَا الْبَلَدِ الْأَمِينِ ﴿٣﴾ لَقَدْ خَلَقْنَا الْإِنسَانَ فِي أَحْسَنِ تَقْوِيمٍ ﴿٤﴾ ثُمَّ رَدَدْنَاهُ أَسْفَلَ سَافِلِينَ ﴿٥﴾ إِلَّا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ فَلَهُمْ أَجْرٌ غَيْرُ مَمْنُونٍ ﴿٦﴾ فَمَا يُكَذِّبُكَ بَعْدُ بِالدِّينِ ﴿٧﴾ أَلَيْسَ اللَّـهُ بِأَحْكَمِ الْحَاكِمِينَ ﴿٨﴾

In this verse, God has sworn by figs, which shows that this fruit is heavenly.

Medicinal properties of dried figs (Esthaban)


Dried figs are one of the natural and healthy products that are used in many countries. This product has played an important role in Iran’s traditional medicine due to its many properties that affect health.

  • Strengthening the health of the heart: Regular consumption of Eshtaban dried figs as a rich food source strengthens the heart muscles and improves heart function.
  • Lowering blood pressure: Research has shown that the daily consumption of Estahban dried figs lowers blood pressure in people with high blood pressure.
  • Reduces inflammation: The compounds in Ishtaban dried figs have strong anti-inflammatory properties and can help reduce inflammation in the body.
  • Strengthening the body’s immune system: Eshtaban dried figs contain large amounts of vitamin C, which will strengthen the body’s immune system. It also plays a role in preventing infections and various diseases.
  • Reducing stress: Research has shown that using this product has reduced stress and improved mood.
  • Prevention of cancer: According to the available information, the active compounds in Eshtaban dried figs can be effective in preventing the occurrence of some cancers.

Medicinal properties of Isthaban dried figs

Dried fig is a dried fruit obtained from fresh figs by drying. This fruit is used in many parts of the world and has many medicinal properties. We mention some of the medicinal properties of figs.

  • Rich in antioxidants: Dried figs contain large amounts of anthocyanins, which are a group of powerful antioxidants. Anthocyanin helps the cells of the body to protect against damage caused by free radicals such as hydroxyl and peroxyl radicals and improves the general health of the body.
  • Strengthening the immune system: by providing vitamin C, one of the most important properties of Esthaban dried figs is strengthening the body’s immune system. Vitamin C acts as a powerful antioxidant and helps the body’s cells resist cell damage caused by free radicals.
  • Maintaining skin health: Among the salient features of this product is that it has high dietary fiber, which will maintain the health of the intestines and prevent early hunger, soften the prostate and prevent colon cancer.
  • Strengthening the cell regulator: research has shown that the dry powder extract of Eshthaban figs strengthens the cell regulator and helps the growth and proliferation of new cells.

Disadvantages of using dried figs


Certainly, every edible product has its disadvantages due to its many benefits and useful properties. Therefore, Astahban figs will also have a series of disadvantages compared to all the unique capabilities and properties that have been said. In this section, we mention some of them.

  • Reducing the amount of water: Estahban dried figs contain 20% water, which is less water compared to fresh figs. This issue can lead to dryness of the body and the need for more water.
  • Reduction of fiber content: in the process of drying figs, its fiber content is reduced compared to fresh figs. Fiber is a group of food compounds that are necessary for the health of the digestive system and the prevention of some diseases.
  • Sugar increase: In the drying process, the volume of natural sugars in figs increases. For this reason, the high use of Estahban dried figs in slimming diets will be challenging.
  • Unfavorable moisture: It may be placed in improper storage conditions and become sticky and sticky. This issue can reduce its quality and usability.
  • Allergy: Some people may be allergic to dried figs and experience unpleasant symptoms such as itching, swelling or inflammation of the digestive tract.
  • Contamination: If hygiene is not observed in the production and maintenance process, there is a possibility of contamination with wood waste, fungi and harmful bacteria.
  • Higher cost: The cost of Esthaban dried figs is higher than fresh figs.

last word

Dried figs are a fresh product made from fresh figs. This product is widely used in many regions of the world, especially in the Middle East and North Africa countries. Estahban dried figs are known as a healthy food source due to the presence of rich brain substances. Also, it will be a very useful and food source as a dried fruit because of various vitamins, potassium, natural sugar and iron. Especially for athletes and those who have a lot of work.

As a result, Estahban dried figs can have a special place in our daily diet, both as a source of toxic and rich food and as a source of natural energy. We are extremely grateful to the honorable experts, engineers and gardeners who provided us with their many years of experience in the field of knowing Estehban figs (from the time of planting seedlings to harvesting). The experience and information that we got about Estahban’s dried figs from the words of these loved ones has become very sufficient and useful. To order this product or for more information, you can contact our support staff at the numbers on the site.

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5 thoughts on “Everything about Estahban figs

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