figs estahban

Dried figs from Iran’s Estehban are a very nutritious fruit

Dried fig

Dried figs

Dried figs are one of the most well-known fruits in Estehban region of Iran because of their texture, properties and uniqueness. At , as a wholesaler and distributor of fruits and vegetables, we market a variety of dried figs throughout the year.

Whether you read this article at the beginning or at the end of the production season, in addition to introducing some of the most prominent fruit and vegetable products from Esteban province and surrounding areas, we have brought you the main properties of dried figs.

What are dried figs?

What are the benefits of dried figs?

Dried figs are the result of the drying process and the absence of moisture, which is applied to natural figs after the end of the season, i.e. in September. One of the provinces of our country where this fruit is cultivated the most is Esteban, where fig production has increased by about 25% in recent years.

In particular, this product is produced in the Esteban region, where they have spent decades producing this product, and it has its own seal of quality, which is very well known in Iran.

Due to its high-water content (about 30%) and the favorable presence of carbohydrates and natural sugars, dried figs have very useful properties for maintaining a balanced diet.

The main type of dried fig produced in Esteban province is very delicious and characterized by its thin skin and intense sweetness.

What are the nutritional benefits of dried figs?

The benefits of dried figs are countless, as it is a highly nutritious fruit that provides the body with a high content of vitamins and minerals.

Including them in the regular diet can be a very healthy option for daily consumption of group B vitamins, vitamins A, C and E, calcium, iron or magnesium, etc. In the following, we mention its main advantages:

Dried figs are high in fiber.

Including dried figs in the diet provides minerals such as iron, magnesium, potassium and zinc.

It helps to increase the level of calcium in the body.

They provide a large share of energy.


Dried figs

Dried figs as a source of natural fiber

If dried figs stand out for anything in the world of fruits, it is for their ability to facilitate the digestion and intestinal transit of those who consume them. This is because a 60 gram serving of dried figs provides about 6 grams of fiber, which represents 23% of the daily fiber requirement.

In addition, another advantage of this feature of dried figs is that the fiber in their composition is almost equal parts soluble and insoluble. The former helps delay digestion to control the effect of appetite and also lowers blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Insoluble fiber is what helps improve intestinal transit.

Dried figs contain minerals such as iron, magnesium and potassium

As a health-promoting property of dried figs, the large amount of minerals it contains stands out, especially three important ones: iron, magnesium and potassium.

Like fiber, 60 grams of dried figs provide about 1.2 milligrams of the 8 milligrams of iron recommended daily for a healthy adult. By frequently consuming dried figs, you prevent symptoms such as fatigue or weakness caused by the lack of this mineral. To read more, visit

Other minerals present in dried figs are magnesium and potassium, which help improve muscle and nerve function in the body and prevent symptoms that can lead to high blood pressure.

Dried figs increase calcium levels in the body

If there’s one benefit that sets dried figs apart from other fruits, it’s the high level of calcium they provide. Likewise, a 60 gram serving of dried figs can contain up to 100 mg of calcium.

In terms of percentage, this fruit provides about 12% of the necessary daily value of calcium and helps to reach the recommended figure of 1000 mg of this element per day.

One of the benefits of figs; What has made it popular among the majority of people is its benefit for keeping the heart healthy and the body’s vascular system healthy. Constant daily consumption of fig product helps regulate blood pressure and reduce fat levels in the body.

These two factors ultimately help to improve cardiovascular health. With the research that has been done, the results have indicated that the consumption of this fruit can increase good cholesterol and control the level of triglycerides in the body. This causes the aging process to be delayed and preserves the youth and vitality of people.


dried figs

What are the side effects of figs?

The property of figs; It is abundant, but it is not bad. Finally, we should also know a little about the side effects of figs, so that we can be cautious.

You should know that excessive use of this fruit may cause diarrhea and vomiting, in addition, it may cause allergic reactions or itching and inflammation.

Finally, you should note that consuming figs is extremely harmful; Because the latex compounds in it can lead to severe allergies.

Dried figs as great allies to increase energy

The energy contribution of dried figs is approximately 250 calories per 100 grams. They also contain natural sugars that help boost energy levels and improve general mood.

Therefore, dried figs can be an ideal supplement during the day during breakfast, as it gives us the necessary calorie level to start with energy.

We hope you have found useful information about the main characteristics of dried figs and the benefits they bring to a healthy diet in this article. We invite you to share your ideas about this fruit in the comments.

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