Damask rose

Kashan rose water ceremony


Kashan rose water ceremony and different types of Kashan rose water
In May, many people go to Kashan for the fragrant air of the Mohammadi flower gardens and take a walk in its clean air. Every year, at this time, the mood of the city becomes heavenly; The fragrance of rose and rose covers the alleys and streets, and men and women, young and old, are busy picking red Muhammadan flowers together, because this month is the season of picking Kashan rose.
The people of this region have been performing the ritual of rose water for 1000 years, and Kashan rose water is considered the best and highest quality rose water in the world. Kashan rose water ceremony starts from the middle of May and continues until the end of June.



In these few weeks, everyone is involved in the rose ceremony; Some people pick flowers, some people store them, and some people start the ceremony of getting rose water. The two cities of Qomsar and Niaser are full of flower gardens. Spring is the season of rose water harvesting in Kashan, and the most important feature of this ceremony is the traditional way of rose water harvesting that the people of this region have been doing since ancient times.

This year, like previous years, the Kashan rose ceremony will be held in the city itself, as well as in the surrounding towns and villages. Spring is the best time to travel to Kashan; Get ready for one of the great travel experiences.

Take a break from the hustle and bustle of city life and take an exciting trip to a land where people have been cultivating roses for seven thousand years. Walk through the streets and alleys of the city, close your eyes and take a deep breath. Feel the pleasant fragrance of heaven.

Kashan a paradise in the heart of the desert

In addition to its historical and touristic places, which are very attractive for domestic and foreign tourists, the city of Kashan organizes special festivals and traditional ceremonies every year, the most famous of which is the rose water ceremony. .
May can be the most suitable time to travel to this region. In addition to watching the traditional ritual of gulab giri, you can also visit the sights of Kashan and have a memorable trip.

During the few weeks that the people of the city are engaged in the rose ceremony, the fragrance of flowers and roses fills the city and fills the spiritual atmosphere of Kashan. The two cities of Qomsar and Niaser are the main centers of Kashan rose water and have a large amount of rose gardens.

There are so many historical and touristic attractions of Kashan that it cannot be included in one weekend, try to visit all the tourist attractions of this region with a regular schedule and experience an attractive and unique trip.



History of Gulab Giri Kashan

Iranians were the first people who realized the edible and therapeutic properties of rose. According to international documents, the origin of rose water production is Iran. Rose is one of the native plants of Iran and was not grown in any other region except Iran until about 350 years ago. During the Safavid era, rose flowers were exported from Iran to Turkey, Syria and Bulgaria, along with special devices for extracting rose water. In the 8th and 9th centuries AD, rose water was one of the most important commercial goods of Iran and was exported to China and India through the Silk Road.

Iranians were the first to obtain rose essence from roses by distillation and taught this method to the world. Ibn Sina is one of the greatest Iranian scientists who has spent much of his life researching and investigating the extraction of essential oils by distillation.
Kashan souvenirs are not only limited to rose water.

The main origin of rose water production is considered to be Fars province and the historical city of Gor and Meimand district, but today Kashan city is the center of rose water production in the world, and the two cities of Qomsar and Nisar have the largest number of rose water workshops.

More than 15,000 tons of heavy rose water are produced in Kashan only in Qamsar, Niaser, Joshghan and Barzak districts, and a large amount of these products are exported abroad.

Iranians have been planting roses for about seven thousand years, and the ritual of glab giri in Iran is 1,000 years old. In the past, water extraction was done only in the traditional way, but today, with the advancement of science and the mechanization of tools, in addition to the traditional method, the industrial method is also used. Gulab giri in Kashan is performed almost traditionally and only changes have been made in the type of tools.



May is Kashan’s rose picking season

April is the best time to travel to Kashan. Usually, the picking of red flowers and the process of picking rose water in Kashan continues until the end of May, but in the surrounding villages and cities it can take until the end of June because the growth rate of the flowers is considered first and the work proceeds based on the maturity of the flowers.
May is the season to travel to Kashan and watch the rose ceremony. For almost three to four weeks, the Kashanis host tourists who travel to this city to participate in the rose water ceremony. Every year when spring arrives, many tourist tours go to Kashan. Most of these tours are for one day and their main focus is on the special Gulabgiri festival. If you only intend to watch the Gulab Giri ceremony, you can visit this festival with a one-day trip to Kashan and be mesmerized by the fragrance of roses that wafts through the city.


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