
Pistachio consumption during pregnancy

Pistachio consumption during pregnancy

It is very good and necessary to Pistachio consumption during pregnancy. Pregnancy is a period when you should avoid unhealthy foods and include only healthy foods in your daily diet. Nuts are known as useful foods in this era. Of course, many things have been said about the properties of pistachios in pregnancy. Because this nutritious seed has many benefits for people’s health in different conditions and in different ways. They are delicious and crunchy raw and are even used for cooking or preparing desserts. It is believed that since 6000 BC, these fruits full of benefits existed and were used as treatment or food. If you want to know whether this gift of the earth is useful during pregnancy or not and what are its properties, you should not miss reading this article. In this case, you will know the important points about the consumption of these nuts during pregnancy.

What are the benefits of consuming pistachios during pregnancy?

If you are pregnant, you may be concerned about dietary recommendations and every bite you take. While some foods should be avoided during this period, most nutritious foods can be considered as part of a healthy diet. Pistachios are useful nuts that provide many of the nutrients you need at this time. But the question that comes to you at the beginning is, is this seed useful for this era?

You should know that if it is consumed in the allowed amount during this period, it will not cause any problems. Because eating too much may cause side effects to replace the properties of pistachios in pregnancy. This natural product is rich in protein, fiber, folate, calcium and iron, which is important not only for the mother but also for the growth and development of the fetus. You may have heard that some of the nuts are made up of nutritious fats. The word fat is scary for some and reminds people of obesity and overweight. In this regard, you should know that this substance is called omega-3, which is one of the important factors in the diet before birth, which is necessary and necessary for the mother and the baby.

Despite being a rich source of energy, pistachios have few calories. So that there are 500 calories per 100 grams of pistachios. Therefore, you can benefit from the properties of pistachios during pregnancy without any risk, and now it’s time to know more about the benefits of this product during pregnancy.


Pistachio consumption during pregnancy

How to Pistachio consumption during pregnancy

These delicious nuts, like any other food, should be consumed in moderation; Because despite its properties for slimming and weight ratio, consuming too much of it causes obesity and overweight. When consuming pistachios, you must first pay attention that you are not allergic to them; If you are not allergic, you can eat about 20 to 24 pistachios during the day and benefit from its properties. In addition to the normal consumption of pistachios, you can use them in salads, various dishes, desserts, sweets and ice cream and enjoy eating them.

Side effects of consuming pistachios during pregnancy

Throughout the article, we mentioned the properties of pistachios in pregnancy, but you should know that consuming too much of these nuts may cause various side effects. Pistachios contain compounds called fructans, which excessive consumption may cause digestive disorders such as diarrhea, constipation, bloating and abdominal pain. There is a chemical compound called anacardic acid in pistachios, which may cause symptoms such as itchy skin, nausea, abdominal pain, and diarrhea for some. So observe its consumption.

Some questions about Pistachio consumption during pregnancy

What are the properties of pistachio during pregnancy for the mother?

Consuming pistachios during pregnancy strengthens the mother’s immune system, balances body fat levels, prevents iron deficiency, prevents body inflammation, maintains blood glucose levels, and treats constipation.

What are the properties of pistachios in pregnancy for the fetus?

The protein in pistachios is effective in the formation of muscles and fetal muscles. Pistachio calcium helps to increase the density of fetal bones. Also, pistachios help the brain and physical development of the fetus.

What are the side effects of consuming too much pistachio during pregnancy?

Its excessive consumption may cause digestive disorders such as diarrhea, constipation, flatulence, abdominal pain, nausea and skin itching.

How many pistachios should a pregnant woman eat a day?

Most nutrition experts believe that 20 to 24 pistachios per day is enough for a pregnant mother. Of course, this amount can also be consumed in several meals throughout the day. For example, it is better to consume some with breakfast, and some as a snack before noon and in the evening.

Is it harmful to eat pistachios in the first trimester of pregnancy?

No; Maternal nutrition in the first trimester of pregnancy has a great impact on fetal growth. Therefore, pistachios can be considered as a nourishing and nourishing food for the mother; Of course, with the condition that it should be consumed according to the doctor’s opinion.

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