figs estahban

Properties of dried figs for diabetes


Are dried figs harmful or beneficial for blood sugar and diabetes? Like some people, you may think that eating dried figs is harmful for patients with diabetes. In this case, you should know that, contrary to what you think, first-class dried figs are a suitable option for the diet of diabetics. By buying dried figs, you can provide your diabetic loved ones with the experience of sweet taste without risk.

Dried figs for blood sugar

Many researchers believe that figs are effective for blood sugar. The presence of fiber in figs helps to control people’s diabetes. People with diabetes need insulin. If these people use fig leaves, their need for insulin will be less. Patients who have to inject insulin daily can use figs to control blood sugar.




Dried figs for diabetes

Dried figs have unique benefits for diabetes. The calories of dry figs are less compared to their sweet ones. For this reason, many doctors recommend the consumption of dried figs for weight loss. Due to the high glycemic content of this fig, its consumption is not recommended for people with diabetes. Of course, in general, you should know that due to the presence of different vitamins in dried figs, many people can use these figs to control blood sugar.

Dried figs and diabetes

It happens to all of us that sometimes we have a desire to eat a sweet food, especially with tea. Now, if a person has diabetes, there are many restrictions for him so that the sugar he receives does not harm him. Dried figs are among the foods recommended for diabetics. However, diabetics should be careful with its consumption because consuming too much of it may cause their blood sugar to rise, so consuming dried figs for blood sugar is not a problem in general.

Benefits of dried figs for diabetics

Today, there are many types of delicious and unique dried fruits in the food market, and dried figs are one of them. This product has many properties and benefits, including the fact that it can cure diabetes.

The properties of high-quality dried figs can be used to control blood sugar in the body. There are large amounts of fiber in this product. The fiber in dried figs regulates blood glucose.

Regarding the properties of dried figs for blood sugar, you should know that the sugar found in various fruits is different from sugar cane. For this reason, this substance does not increase the blood sugar level in the body suddenly. Those who have diabetes can include delicious and high-quality dried figs in their diet. When drinking tea, you can use first-class dry figs instead of products such as sugar.

It is interesting to know that the good properties of figs for diabetic patients are not limited to the benefits of dried figs. In turn, fig tree leaves can be effective in the treatment of diabetes. For this purpose, it is enough to make an appropriate amount of fig tree leaves and consume them. First, the leaves should be dried and then they can be brewed. To deal with diabetes, the leaves can also be used as a seasoning. According to this instruction, we first dry the leaves and then turn them into powder. The obtained powder can be used to prepare all kinds of food.

Sugar in dried figs

The sugar in dried figs is almost high, but it is not harmful and it is not absorbed quickly like artificial sugars, which causes the blood sugar level to rise. But still, it is recommended that diabetic patients act in a controlled manner even in the consumption of natural sugars and by following a proper diet, they will be able to control diabetes and prevent its possible complications.


Nutritional value of dried figs

The nutritional value of dried figs and useful substances in this popular dried fruit can be seen in the following tables:

Energy 249 kcal
Protein 3.30 grams
9.80 grams of fiber
Carbohydrate 63.87 grams
Fat 0.93 grams
Sugar 47.92 grams
30.05 grams of water

Minerals in 100 grams of dried figs
are 2.03 mg
Phosphorus 67 mg
Calcium 162 mg
Magnesium 68 mg
Zinc 0.55 mg
Manganese 0.51 mg
Potassium 680 mg
Sodium 10 mg
Selenium 0.60 micrograms
Copper 0.29 mg

Vitamins in 100 grams of dried figs
Vitamin C 1.20 mg
Vitamin E 0.35 mg
Vitamin K 15.60 micrograms
Vitamin B1 0.09 mg
Vitamin B2 0.08 mg
Vitamin B3 0.62 mg
Vitamin B4 15.80 mg
Vitamin B5 0.43 mg
Vitamin B6 0.11 mg
Vitamin B9 9 micrograms

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