
Properties of pistachios in pregnancy

Properties of pistachios in pregnancy

The properties of pistachios in pregnancy are due to being rich in nutrients such as various vitamins, protein, iron, calcium, folate or folic acid, antioxidants, unsaturated fatty acids, potassium, etc.; Because all of them are necessary for the growth and development of the fetus and also strengthen the health of the pregnant mother. These nuts, full of properties, promote the physical and brain development of the fetus, strengthen the mother’s immune system, balance the level of body fat, prevent anemia caused by iron deficiency in pregnancy, and have many properties. There are many others that we will examine in this article.

Nutritional value of pistachios

28 grams or a quarter cup of raw pistachios contains the following amounts:

Calories: 165 kcal
Protein: 5.8 grams
Carbohydrates: 7.8 grams
Fat: 13.4 grams
Edible fiber: 2.8 grams
Potassium: 277 mg
Sodium: 2 mg
Properties of pistachios during pregnancy
At the beginning of the article, we talked about some of the properties of pistachios in pregnancy, i.e. strengthening the mother’s immune system, preventing anemia, balancing body fat levels, etc. Now we will describe each of these properties.

1. Consuming pistachios strengthens the body’s immune system

Due to the sensitivity during pregnancy for the mother and fetus, food should be used to improve the immune system and protect the mother from various diseases. Consuming pistachios during pregnancy due to appropriate amounts of antioxidants such as carotene, vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin C and polyphenols (plant compounds similar to antioxidants) by fighting free radicals in different body tissues, strengthens the immune system. The body helps and prevents the infection from entering the body.

2. Consuming pistachios during pregnancy balances body fat levels

An increase in blood fat is one of the worries of pregnant mothers. In the nutritional value of pistachio, we observed that this oil seed is rich in fat. But you should know that a very small percentage of these fats are unhealthy or saturated, and the rest are healthy and useful fatty acids. One of the properties of pistachio in pregnancy is that the healthy fatty acids in it reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and increase the good cholesterol in the blood, and finally balance the lipids in the body.

3. Consuming pistachios cures constipation

One of the common problems among women, especially pregnant women, is constipation. This problem is caused by hormonal changes during this period, which is very annoying. Pistachios contain adequate amounts of fiber, which is effective in improving the function of the digestive system and bowel movements, and makes digestion significantly easier. The fiber in pistachios also prevents morning sickness in pregnant mothers.

4. Consuming pistachios during pregnancy prevents iron deficiency

Most women have the problem of iron deficiency. The amount of iron in the blood during pregnancy, when the body needs more blood cells than usual, has a special sensitivity. Iron deficiency hinders the better development of the fetus and affects the mother’s health. Pistachios are a rich source of iron and copper, which are necessary in the process of forming red blood cells and the protein contained in it, namely hemoglobin.

5. Consumption of pistachios reduces cardiovascular diseases

One of the properties of pistachios in pregnancy is controlling and regulating blood pressure. High blood pressure during pregnancy is very dangerous and causes premature birth. In addition, pistachios contain the antioxidant lutein, which prevents blockage of blood vessels by blood cholesterol. Of course, you should be careful that to regulate blood pressure during this period, you should consume raw pistachios without salt; Because the sodium in it increases blood pressure.

6. The properties of pistachios during pregnancy maintain blood glucose levels

Gestational diabetes is one of the common problems that affects the health of the mother and fetus. This disease usually appears during pregnancy and resolves after the birth of the baby and requires a special diet. Pregnant women who are suffering from this disease should consume foods containing healthy fatty acids and fiber such as pistachios and other nuts to maintain their blood glucose levels.

7. Consuming pistachios prevents body inflammation

During pregnancy, problems such as swelling and joint pains arise for most mothers. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, pistachios during this period and especially in the last trimester of pregnancy when the mother’s weight reaches its maximum and causes back and knee pain; It is very useful.


Properties of pistachios in pregnancy for the fetus

Pistachios contain various nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin B1, B6, selenium, phosphorus, copper, phytosterol, etc., all of which affect the growth and development of the fetus. The benefits of pistachios for the fetus include:

Pistachios are rich in protein, which is effective in the growth and formation of muscles and muscles of the fetus.
Pistachios are a rich source of unsaturated fatty acids and help the brain and physical development of the fetus.
Folic acid in pistachios prevents birth defects, including neural tube defects, such as spina bifida and encephalocele.
One of the properties of pistachio in pregnancy is that it reduces the risk of miscarriage due to its vitamin E content.
Pistachios contain adequate amounts of calcium, which helps to increase the density of fetal bones.

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