


Properties of dates and health benefits

Dates are small fruits that we use as dried fruits and have gradually entered our kitchen. It is increasingly common to find dates in fruit shops and supermarkets as they are a ‘trendy’ fruit.
One of the reasons for its growing popularity is the desire to achieve a sweet taste without the need to add sugar to baked goods. Therefore, it is a fairly common ingredient in the entire spectrum of confectionery preparations that we frame under the “healthy” seal.


Nutrient composition of dates

The fact is that this fruit is naturally dried, for this reason, its nutritional density is high, because in the drying process what happens is that the water content of the product decreases and its nutrients increase. At the nutritional level, its content is highlighted in the following:
Fiber (soluble and insoluble)
Provitamin A (beta carotene), vitamin B3 and vitamin C



Recommended for…

Athletes: This is a useful way to deliver concentrated nutrients for endurance athletes. In addition, its high potassium and sugar can be very useful for muscle recovery.
Children: usually like their sweetness, although the texture is not always well received. They are very useful for making sweets without added sugar, because dates already provide the right amount and therefore sweetness for different recipes.
Constipation: Dates contain a significant amount of fiber that helps improve bowel movement.


Dates are not recommended for…

People with cavities: Their sugar content and sticky consistency make them a cavity-causing food. When brushing your teeth after eating, it is important to consider this factor.
Slimming diets: fresh figs can be consumed, but without excessive consumption, because it is a product that has a high percentage of sugar by losing water.
Potassium-restricted diets: As with most fruits, the potassium content of figs is by no means negligible, so we should limit their consumption in diets with controlled potassium intake, as may be the case with people with kidney disease. have
Food-related migraines: Dates contain tyramine, which has a vasoconstrictive effect that can trigger migraines in people who tend to have this type of headache.

Types of dates

There are different types with their differences. They are generally classified as soft, semi-arid and dry. By

Medjool dates, soft and very sugary dates that are very good allies in baking because of their soft, juicy and sweet texture.
Semi-dry Daglet Noor is originally from Tunisia and is consumed in sweet and salty form. They are probably the most common types in the markets.
Other types of vegetables, also very sweet, are halavi or lamb, which are consumed fresh and without drying.
Its versatility is almost infinite and we can find date recipes in both sweet and savory varieties.

As an appetizer, we can make tapas, tartlets, skewers or stuff them. They go well with cheese, meat and vegetables. They can be a great companion in main dishes. They can be used in salads, in stews with rice, with beans, with meat (chicken or turkey), even with fish. In desserts, it can accompany ice cream, cake or pasta. Also, in breakfast with cereal flakes, muesli… and they can complement fruits like pears and nuts well.

How to make them last longer

Because they are dried fruits with a high sugar concentration and little water, they are not very perishable and can be kept well for months. However, it is important to keep a few considerations in mind. After purchase, we can store them in a closed glass container in a cool place away from light. Plastic containers are more likely to mold. Conversely, if they are stored in the air or in unsealed containers, they will dry out more in addition to the risk of insects reaching them.

What you need to know…

Season: Although we can enjoy dates all year round, they ripen in autumn and in October and November we can find freshly harvested dates in the markets.
Benefits: They are rich in fiber, vitamins such as beta-carotene and minerals such as potassium.
Ideal for: athletes, children and people suffering from constipation.



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