
The method of planting pistachios in nylon


Most of the pistachio trees are grown by planting pistachio seeds, and following a series of tips during this process will increase the production of the product as well as its high quality. In lands with soil and fresh water, pistachios can be planted directly in the main land, which, in addition to reducing the cost of cultivation, also increases the rate of capture and seedling growth. In lands with salty soil and water, it is recommended to plant pistachios in nylon and plastic because it is possible that newly sprouted seedlings and seeds will wither due to the salt in the soil.

Characteristics of a good pistachios seed

Note that your pistachio seeds must be fully ripe, unripe and mature seeds are not suitable. Peeling of pistachio seeds should be done naturally and by hand because peeling wheels cause damage to the seeds’ vegetative power and are not suitable for seed peeling.
The drying of pistachio seeds should be done with the help of the sun because drying machines cause the loss of pistachio growth power due to the fact that they perform the drying process with high heat and in a short time.
Note: In order to determine whether the seed has been dried by a dryer or the sun, you can put the pistachio kernel between your fingers and press it a little, if the shell on the kernel separates from the pistachio kernel The dryer is very high and therefore the seed is not suitable for cultivation, but if the brain shell is not separated by applying pressure, it is most likely that this seed has been dried in the sun and is ready for cultivation.
The second way to know about this issue is to pay attention to the color of the pistachio bone shell, usually the pistachio that has been dried using a dryer has a white color and the pistachio that has been dried with the help of the sun is a little dark.
Use varieties whose geometric shape is elongated and almond-shaped, because hazelnut and ram’s head varieties, which are spherical and round, are not suitable for seeds. Also, be careful that the variety you choose as seeds should increase the yield of your farm. in the future and have economic justification.

Another thing that needs to be paid attention to is the pest-free and completely healthy kernel of the seed. Pay attention if there are holes in the tip of the kernel or if the kernel is broken, they are not suitable for cultivation.
After preparing the right seeds according to the mentioned conditions, it is time to prepare the plastic pot.


The most important features of the pot for planting seedlings

Due to the very high growth of pistachio seedling roots, it is better to use high pots for planting.
Note: Normally, pistachio trees have one main root and several secondary roots, which collect and take the nutrients needed by the tree from the soil by the main root, and any damage to the main root causes a decrease in the tree’s efficiency. Therefore, potted seedlings should be moved with great care so that the tip of the main root is not damaged.
Note: Before the root of the seedling reaches the bottom of the pot, we must move it to the main ground, and you should also consider that seedlings whose roots have reached the bottom of the pot and whose roots are twisted should not be planted.
It is better to use pots whose diameter is 15 to 20 cm; Pots with a larger diameter cause more moisture to remain in the soil, and in this case, the seedlings face much less water stress, and also, due to the larger capacity that the pot provides to the soil, more nutrients are also available. Seedlings are placed.
The bottom part of the pot should have several holes to avoid things like seedling suffocation and seed crushing in addition to excess water. After providing the seeds and plastic, there are some points related to the soil, which we will mention below.


Suitable soil for growing seeds in a plastic pot

Soil that is free of harmful bacteria and fungi is suitable for planting.
Clay soil that has a heavy texture is not suitable for planting seedlings due to its hard permeability to water and the hardening of the surface of this soil.
Soils that have a light texture, such as windy sands, are not suitable for planting seedlings, because these types of soils do not have the ability to retain moisture and water, and the nutrients required for the growth of seedlings are not available in them, so to prepare The suitable soil is better to mix some clay, sand and rotted cow or horse manure.


Planting seeds in pots

One of the advantages of planting seeds in pots is the ability to move and transfer the pots, with this feature, the seedlings can be protected from the extreme cold of winter and the heat of summer, and therefore cultivation can be done in all seasons of the year, with It is recommended to plant seeds in plastic pots in early March and April.

Planting potted seedlings in saline soil

Planting seeds directly in the main land, which has salty soil, causes the seeds to wither, for this reason, it is better to plant the seeds in the pot first, and after a while, when the seedling has come to life and has the necessary strength, it is better to plant it in the pot. The original land transferred. There is no obstacle to direct sowing of seeds in lands that have sweet soil.

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