
The properties of dates for health and its unique benefits in increasing energy


A date is a stone fruit, meaning it has a seed surrounded by an outer fleshy fruit (such as peaches, mangoes, and olives). Dates date back to very distant years. We humans quickly learned about the magic of the health benefits of dates in the Mesopotamia, and since then this nutritious fruit has remained popular in the region (Iraq, Middle East, North Africa). Today, Egypt is the largest producer of dates, followed by almost every other country in the Middle East.

The properties of dates for health, staying away from all types of cancer, skin health and increasing energy have been proven. In today’s big world where everything is connected through communication, access to a fruit like dates is also available to everyone. A fruit that works like a complete meal!


Health benefits of dates

It is rich in fiber

Getting enough fiber is very important for a healthy body. 100 grams of dates contain 7 grams of fiber. Therefore, it is one of the best ways to increase fiber intake in the daily diet.

Fiber can help with digestive health by preventing constipation. By helping to form stool, it promotes regular bowel movements. In a research conducted on 21 people, these people ate 7 dates daily for 21 days. After 21 days, the researchers noticed that the subjects had more bowel movements than before consuming dates, and their bowel movements improved.

In addition, the fiber in dates can be useful for controlling blood sugar. Fiber slows digestion and can help prevent blood sugar from rising too high after eating. For this reason, dates have a low glycemic index (GI). Glycemic index measures how quickly blood sugar rises after eating a certain food.

It is rich in anti-disease antioxidants

Dates contain many antioxidants that have many benefits for the health of the body and prevent the occurrence of diseases.
Antioxidants protect cells from free radicals, which are unstable molecules that destabilize other molecules and may cause harmful reactions in the body and lead to disease.
Compared to similar types of fruits such as figs and prunes, dates have the highest amount of antioxidants.
Dates are rich in disease-fighting antioxidants.

Know the three strong antioxidants of dates for health:

  • Flavonoids

Flavonoids are powerful antioxidants that can help reduce inflammation, and their potential to reduce the risk of diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and certain types of cancer has been studied.

  • Carotenoids

Carotenoids have been shown to promote heart health and can also reduce the risk of eye-related disorders, such as macular (or macular) degeneration.

  • Phenolic acid

Known for their anti-inflammatory properties, phenolic acids can help reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease.

It can help brain health

Eating dates can help improve brain function.
Laboratory studies have shown that dates are beneficial for reducing inflammatory markers such as interleukin-6 (IL-6) in the brain. High levels of IL-6 are associated with a higher risk of neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s.
Additionally, other studies, including animal studies, have shown that dates are beneficial in reducing the activity of amyloid beta proteins that can form plaques in the brain. When plaques build up in the brain, they may disrupt communication between brain cells and can eventually lead to brain cell death and Alzheimer’s disease.
An animal study found that mice fed a diet mixed with dates had lower memory and learning ability, as well as anxiety-related behaviors, compared to mice that did not consume dates.
The potential brain-boosting properties of dates have been attributed to their content of antioxidants known to reduce inflammation, including flavonoids.
Eating dates can help improve brain function.

dates dates dates

It is a natural sweetener

Dates are a source of fructose, which is a natural sugar found in fruits. Because of this, dates are very sweet and also have a delicate taste similar to caramel. Dates are a great alternative to white sugar because of the nutrients, fiber and antioxidants it has.
It is important to note that although dates are rich in fiber and nutrients, they are still relatively high in calories and should be consumed in moderation.
It helps bone health
Dates contain many minerals including phosphorus, calcium and magnesium. All of these have been studied for their potential to prevent bone-related conditions such as osteoporosis. Therefore, the consumption of dates can also help improve bone health.


It is useful for controlling blood sugar

Dates help to regulate blood sugar due to low glycemic index, fiber and antioxidants. Therefore, eating them can help manage diabetes. However, the amount of consumption must be observed.

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