
Useful information about pistachios


Pistachio is more than a simple shrub and product. Maybe there are still many things about this fruit that you don’t know about. Follow us to find enough information.

Acquaintance with pistachio and its tree

Pistachio is a small shrub that usually does not exceed four or five meters in height. Of course, sometimes its trees are seen with a height of 7, 8 and even 10 meters. Pistachios are tropical and desert fruits. Its origin is considered to be the Middle East and Central Asia, including the countries of Iran, Afghanistan and Turkmenistan. Although it has existed in some Arab countries, including Syria, for a long time.

With this account, the word pistachio itself, according to many writers, is a Persian word that has entered other languages from this language. Although some other linguists consider this word to be derived from the Greek word bistakion. In any case, there is a lot of debate about the origin of this word, and the main topic of this article is not the word pistachio.

All kinds of pistachios

Pistachios are divided into different forms. Even the mountain pistachio can be considered a type of this fruit.
Mountain pistachio is a small fruit that, although it is not similar to other types of this fruit in terms of size, but its similarities cannot be denied in terms of brain and taste. Here, mountain pistachio is the same pistachio, which is also known as kasoor in some desert cities. A very small fruit with a strange brain inside. No matter the size, it has many similarities to pistachios.

Similar to the pistachio, the pistachio nut has a soft and delicious green covering, a hard and impenetrable woody shell and a tasty little kernel. Even the geographical climate of growing pistachios is almost the same as other types of pistachios. Of course, none of the tuber types are smiling. A kind of local food called “rek” is made from mountain pistachios in some desert areas, including South Khorasan, which has many properties.
We return to the main fruit we want. We said that this fruit is specific to tropical and desert lands. With this explanation, you can understand that this fruit does not need a lot of water.
We have said the necessary preliminary information about pistachio and its tree. We are going to plant it.
The pistachio tree is one of the resistant and patient trees



How to plant a pistachio tree

Before we describe how to plant this tree, we must say that pistachio is an autumn fruit that is botanically related to almonds and even mangoes. Male and female trees of this plant are different. This type of plant is called dicotyledonous.

Yield of pistachio tree

The main fruiting of the tree usually happens after the fifth year. It means that the period of youth and fruiting maturity in this tree takes 5 years. After 5 years, the fruiting of this tree usually occurs every other year, which depends on various factors. Of course, it is possible to increase the fruit yield of the tree in a low yield year by following certain principles. But again, the amount of tree fruiting in the special fruiting year cannot be compared with the rest year.


Regarding how to plant a pistachio tree, we should say that a tree that tolerates the harsh conditions of the desert should not be a thin orange tree. Deep sandy soils are considered the best environment for this tree, but its ability is such that one can hope for the tree to grow in other soils. The planting of this tree is carried out in two preliminary ways: pots and directly in the soil.

Pistachio tree care

Regarding the pistachio tree, the important point is not the planting of the tree, but the care after planting it. Although we said that this tree is a resistant and patient tree, don’t be tempted to plant this tree in a pot in closed and semi-dark apartments. If planting in a pot, first soak the seeds and plant them in 3-4 cm deep soil. Then put it inside a black plastic with a mixture of sand and high-quality cow manure to a depth of 25 to 30 cm. If you follow the conditions correctly, it will take about a week for the seeds to germinate.
This is just the beginning, you need to transfer the germinated seeds to perforated pots and take care of them for three to four years. After this period, they become seedlings ready for direct planting. Respecting the distance between pistachio trees is very important in direct planting.



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